Quality Management System

MTS was the first mobile operator in Belarus to receive the Certificate of Conformity for Quality Management System, concerning SBT ISO 9001, which introduces the ISO9000 family of international quality management standards.

The certificate granted to MTS attests to the fact that the company has successfully implemented a quality management system to ensures the most complete customer satisfaction with the quality of MTS products and services, as well as meeting the expectations of society, employees, investors and partners.

The developed and implemented quality management system of Mobile TeleSystems, JLLC was highly appreciated by experts - auditors of the certification body.

“The quality certificate, first received by a Belarusian company - a cellular communication operator, - expresses volumes,” says Vladimir Karpovich, Director General of Mobile TeleSystems, JLLC. - Our business processes are recognized as perfect, and the organization turned out to be quite prepared to accept and fulfill the requirements of the international standard. First of all, it is the subscribers who stand to benefit from the implementation of the Quality Policy. Today, they have received a guarantee that their needs - and in the era of the explosive development of telecommunications they grow rapidly – are sure to be timely and most fully satisfied as the mobile operator has sufficient resources and mechanisms for this. ”

The quality management system assumes such an organization for managing the potential of the company that will provide a qualitatively new level of its operation. A stable and constantly improving level of service quality makes it possible to satisfy all customer needs.
